Whale & Dolphin Magazine EDITORIAL INFOGRAPHIC
After having completed some layouts for the Whale & Dolphin Conservation's Annual Review, I was contacted by the editor to produce an illustration to go on a new two–page spread feature for their redesigned main magazine, Whale & Dolphin. A basic premise for the article was provided and I had to come up with an informative illustration to complement the article.
I am keen to become a proficient editorial illustrator – I am always fascinated by the illustrative styles and compositions which are often seen to communicate articles and stories in magazines and newspaper publications.
For this brief, my style was inspired by the style of Hey Studio!, a fantastic Spanish agency who produce illustrations to a very high standard and do a great job in telling the story of the article.
I have been commissioned to do this illustration on a regular basis now, with my work forming the centrepiece of the main feature in each issue.